How to Use Masks
When we observe our environment while we are outside, we can easily notice that the masks we wear to protect ourselves and our environment from the virus are not used correctly by some of us.
By increasing our awareness with the truths shaped in the light of WHO, we discussed the rules that should be known and observed about the use of masks by both healthy individuals in order to contribute to the protection of public health.
COVID-19: How much protection do face masks offer?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to say that wearing masks on behalf of users provides complete protection against COVID-19. This is because COVID-19 can easily spread when in contact with respiratory droplets scattered by an infected person.
If you do not maintain the required physical distance between you and people, respiratory droplets emitted from the sick person during coughing, sneezing and talking can enter your eyes, nose or mouth. For this reason, it would be wrong to think that you are completely protected against the virus in question by wearing a face mask.
While you are in your social life, taking care to keep your physical distance from those around you, using a face mask will make a difference in terms of protecting your general health.
How to Wear Mask?
- Before wearing your mask, clean your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. In cases where soap and water are not available, use a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Put your mask on your face, putting the elastics around your auricles, with the layered side on the outside.
- If the mask we are going to use is with thread, tie the strings on the upper edges above your ear, and the lower ropes from behind your neck.
- Make sure that your mask completely covers your nose, mouth and chin.
COVID-19: Considerations for Wearing Masks
- If you apply all the precautions specified to prevent infection, using a face mask alone is not enough to protect you from COVID 19.
- Using a mask provides effective protection if you frequently clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water, and keep your physical distance from other people.
- Note that the evidence for the protection of non-medical cloth masks made from breathable fabrics is limited, and opt for a medical mask if you have one on hand to use.
- Cover your entire mouth and nose with your mask.
- Make sure there is no gap between your face and the mask.
- Never lower your mask under your nose and chin. If you accidentally drop your mask under your nose and chin, immediately remove it from your face and replace it with a new one.
- Do not use more disposable medical masks by washing, airing or ironing.
- Since the use of masks is a personal precaution, never share your mask with anyone else.
- Never touch your mask during use. If you accidentally touch the exterior of your mask, clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- If you have a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in your home, keep in mind that all your family members and your patient should always wear a mask.